David Owen
Laissez-vous emporter par l'incroyable pouvoir de l'océanAlex Neptune déteste aller à la plage. Et pour cause : depuis qu'il est enfant, l'océan essaie de le tuer ! Alors, quand une bande d'animaux marins l'entraîne dans un aquarium abandonné pour qu'il libère le légendaire Dragon d'eau injustement emprisonné... Alex est loin d'être ravi. Pour affronter sa peur et remplir sa mission, il aura besoin d'une équipe de choc : des loutres acrobates, une mouette kleptomane, des amis loyaux...Réussiront-ils à accomplir leur mission et libérer le dragon ?
Oserez-vous affronter le cruel Sanguimer et son équipage ?Alex Neptune n'aurait jamais imaginé devoir se battre un jour contre des pirates. Malheureusement, ce jour arrive quand un mystérieux navire attaque Éden-sur- Mer et qu'en descendent des marins prêts à tout pour mettre la main sur l'oeuf disparu du légendaire Dragon d'eau. Avec l'aide de ses amis Zoey et Anil et de ses nouveaux pouvoirs, Alex doit se lancer dans une gigantesque chasse au trésor pour sauver l'oeuf des griffes des pirates.
Vert paradoxe ; le piège des solutions écoénergétiques
David Owen
- Écosociété
- 25 Septembre 2013
- 9782897190873
Ampoules fluocompactes, voitures hybrides, trains rapides, frigos Energy Star: la réduction de notre empreinte écologique passe, dit-on, par l'utilisation de technologies moins énergivores. Est-ce bien sûr ? Selon David Owen, cette consommation que l'on souhaiterait «responsable» aggrave en réalité la crise environnementale planétaire.
Tel est le paradoxe des effets rebond: chaque gain d'efficacité apporté par la science et l'industrie se traduit, en bout de ligne, par une consommation énergétique globale surmultipliée. Ainsi le transport aérien, moins énergivore qu'autrefois, est devenu accessible à tout un chacun et a décuplé. Idem pour la climatisation, ce luxe devenu omniprésent. Et l'éclairage de plus en plus économique transforme peu à peu l'obscurité en une denrée rare.
Au fil d'un voyage captivant aux avant-postes du «développement durable», là où s'activent ingénieurs, inventeurs, urbanistes et économistes, l'auteur montre avec humour comment la recherche effrénée d'efficacité trompe nos meilleures intentions, et pourquoi le fait de modifier nos habitudes de consommation ne rendra pas la croissance capitaliste plus viable... à moins peut-être de modifier la plus mauvaise de ces habitudes, qui est la soif de consommation elle-même. -
Ideas are like buses, you wait forever and then 500 come along at once. The Big Idea Book is 500 novel, ingenious and downright crazy ideas designed to inspire, amuse and divert. Developed by the team behind the innovative website, Idea-a-Day at, it covers everything from business to travel, politics to money and everything in between. Idea-a-Day has a vast network of followers and contributors - some famous, some infamous, some revered, some reviled - who post ideas to be read, enjoyed, used or abused. Seth Godin, Malcolm Maclaren and Wayne Hemmingway are just a few of its fans. In The Big Idea Book all this creative energy is mixed together with unpublished ideas, quotes, cartoons, illustrations and thought-pieces to give creatives and cool office types a visual and intellectual treat guaranteed to kickstart the imagination and creative flair!
Foucault Contra Habermas
David Owen, Samantha Ashenden
- SAGE Publications Ltd
- 21 Juillet 1999
- 9781446228340
Foucault contra Habermas is an incisive examination of, and a comprehensive introduction to, the debate between Foucault and Habermas over the meaning of enlightenment and modernity. It reprises the key issues in the argument between critical theory and genealogy and is organised around three complementary themes: defining the context of the debate; examining the theoretical and conceptual tools used; and discussing the implications for politics and criticism.
In a detailed reply to Habermas' Philosophical Discourse of Modernity, this volume explains the difference between Habermas' philosophical practice and Foucault's between the analytics of truth and the politics of truth. Many of the most difficult arguments in the exchange are subject to a detailed critical analysis. This examination also includes discussion of the ethics of dialogue; the practice of criticism; the politics of recognition , and the function of civil society and democracy. -
The Forensic Examination and Interpretation of Tool Marks
David Baldwin, John Birkett, Owen Facey, Gilleon Rabey
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 23 Septembre 2013
- 9781118374177
The Forensic Examination and Interpretation of Tool Marks brings together key techniques and developments in the field of tool marks in forensic science and explains clearly how tool mark analysis can be used within forensic investigation. The purpose of this book is to bring together as much of this information as possible in an accessible manner. The book deals with all aspects of tool mark evidence from crime scene to courtroom. The examination of a wide variety of different tool marks are discussed, including those made by specific tools such as saws and in complex materials such as bone. The general principles and techniques used in tool mark examinations can also be applied to some other closely related fields. Therefore, sections on the examination of manufacturing marks, including those on plastic film items, and physical fit comparisons are also included. The book will be of interest to a wide range of people and not just to tool mark examiners and people studying forensic science. It will be of use to crime scene examiners, officers investigating crimes where tool marks are found and members of the legal professions.
Brings together key techniques and developments within the field of tool mark investigation. Includes material on examining tool marks at the crime scene and in the laboratory, interpretation and evaluation issues and how tool mark evidence should be presented in court. Covers specialized tool mark examinations, manufacturing marks, including those on plastic film items, and physical fits. Includes a large range of illustrations and photographs. Invaluable reference for practicing forensic scientists, students of forensic sciences, members of the legal professions and crime scene investigators, enabling them to recognise the importance of tool marks within an investigation. An extremely valuable resource in the on-going debate regarding the evidential value of tool marks in court. Part of the `Essentials in Forensic Science' book series. -
Smart Water Technologies and Techniques
David A. Lloyd Owen
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 13 Février 2018
- 9781119078661
An Insightful Examination of Smart Water Systems and Technology Inland water supplies are under increasing pressure. Climate, social, and demographic change have begun tipping the balance toward demand management, as supplies begins to dwindle. Water and wastewater infrastructure will play a central role in the management of this increasingly valuable resource, and Smart Water Technologies and Techniques: Data Capture and Analysis for Sustainable Water Management provides insight on a key part of the solution. Smart water applications optimise the way water and wastewater services are used, allowing more efficient allocation of limited resources while adding flexibility to the system. Automation, real-time data capture, and rapid interpretation allow utilities and users to monitor, manage, and act on the part of the water cycle that matters to them, minimizing costs of providing service through optimal use of extant assets. This book brings together the core principles, key developments, and current state-of-the-art into a single resource that: Considers smart water within operational, economic, policy, and regulatory contexts Provides a comprehensive overview of the smart water concept and the latest advances in the field Examines key considerations and objections raised to date Discusses the potential value of smart water, from perception to policy Shows how smart water systems can optimize efficiency and flexibility of water and wastewater management Explores future directions for smart water development in the pursuit of balanced supply and demand Although primarily designed for water supply and sanitation, smart water systems may be applied to irrigation, reservoir and dam management, inland water flows, and more, making it a valuable asset as water scarcity begins to spread around the globe. This book answers the questions, assuages concerns, and explains the technology that could revolutionize the way water is accessed and supplied.
Bovine Surgery and Lameness
A. David Weaver, Adrian Steiner, Guy St. Jean, Owen Atkinson
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 22 Février 2018
- 9781119040514
The revised and updated Third Edition of Bovine Surgery and Lameness offers veterinarians a concise text ideal for use in the field. Offers a fully revised edition of the popular and well-respected book on bovine surgery and lameness Presents a practical quick-reference guide ideal for the field veterinarian Covers both common surgical procedures and the latest information on combating lameness Written by an expert team of international authors Includes access to a companion website offering video clips
Bovine Surgery and Lameness
A. David Weaver, Guy St. Jean, Owen Atkinson, A. David Steiner
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 22 Février 2018
- 9781119040491
The revised and updated Third Edition of Bovine Surgery and Lameness offers veterinarians a concise text ideal for use in the field. Offers a fully revised edition of the popular and well-respected book on bovine surgery and lameness Presents a practical quick-reference guide ideal for the field veterinarian Covers both common surgical procedures and the latest information on combating lameness Written by an expert team of international authors Includes access to a companion website offering video clips
Computational Methods for Plasticity
Eduardo A. De Souza Neto, Djordje Peric, David R. J. Owen
- Wiley
- 20 Novembre 2008
- 9780470694633
The subject of computational plasticity encapsulates the numerical methods used for the finite element simulation of the behaviour of a wide range of engineering materials considered to be plastic - i.e. those that undergo a permanent change of shape in response to an applied force. Computational Methods for Plasticity: Theory and Applications describes the theory of the associated numerical methods for the simulation of a wide range of plastic engineering materials; from the simplest infinitesimal plasticity theory to more complex damage mechanics and finite strain crystal plasticity models. It is split into three parts - basic concepts, small strains and large strains. Beginning with elementary theory and progressing to advanced, complex theory and computer implementation, it is suitable for use at both introductory and advanced levels. The book: Offers a self-contained text that allows the reader to learn computational plasticity theory and its implementation from one volume. Includes many numerical examples that illustrate the application of the methodologies described. Provides introductory material on related disciplines and procedures such as tensor analysis, continuum mechanics and finite elements for non-linear solid mechanics. Is accompanied by purpose-developed finite element software that illustrates many of the techniques discussed in the text, downloadable from the book's companion website. This comprehensive text will appeal to postgraduate and graduate students of civil, mechanical, aerospace and materials engineering as well as applied mathematics and courses with computational mechanics components. It will also be of interest to research engineers, scientists and software developers working in the field of computational solid mechanics.
Papers from the 6th International Conference on Trilobites and their Relatives
David L. Bruton, Alan W. Owen
- Wiley
- 15 Avril 2019
- 9781119564317
A volume from a monograph series featuring seven papers on trilobites with brief summariesThis research volume is entitled Papers from the 6th International Conference on Trilobites and their Relatives. It's Volume 64 within the Fossils and Strata monograph series. The research compilation originated from a 2017 conference in Estonia. Seven papers on trilobites are included with summaries in the publication. The papers' topics cover trilobites from the Early Cambrian to the Late Devonian.
Is safe and sustainable water and sanitation for all an unaffordable pipedream? This book surveys the worldwide development of water and sewage services and the challenges in meeting Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG6) along with climate change, population growth and urbanisation. It explores the reasons why current SDG6 progress is failing, including weak policy implementation, staff shortages and inadequate funding, as well as the limited impact of aid funding. The author contends that despite a series of innovations, debt finance remains too small to address needs of developing economies. Therefore, instead of advocating new funding, this book proposes addressing the funding gap through technological innovation and more efficient management and procurement through a series of examples that have challenged traditional assumptions.
After four decades of good intentions, SDG6 is making a difference in monitoring shortfalls for the first time, allowing for more effective responses. This book outlines the role of innovation in hardware development, procurement and installation, and discusses how network management and operations can most effectively address funding gaps. The potential for savings is considerable, if effectively replicated. New approaches are driving forward affordable resilience, including nature-based solutions such as upstream habitat enhancement to retain water and improve downstream water quality; the circular economy, including water, nutrient, energy and heat recovery from wastewater; and demand management. This book will be of great value to scholars, policy makers and practitioners interested in the global finance of sustainable water and sanitation. -
Fireflies is a book about how writing poetry can help us explore memory and identity, and it is also a book of poetry that explores memory and identity. This work is an example of the "liminal" scholarship advocated in The Need for Revision (2011, by the same author), occupying a space in the academic world's "windows and doorways," not exactly in any one field but rather in the "spaces-between where the inside and outside commingle"; it seeks to trouble the boundaries between teacher and writer, critic and artist, writer and reader, and teacher and student in a way from which all parties might benefit. Fireflies aims for a different kind of scholarship, and hopes to offer new ways for teachers to be professional and academic.
The second section of the book is a full-length poetry text- the author's own exploration of the notions that people who teach writing should also be writers, and that poetry is more something you do than something you are. The book says we should write poems not because of some inborn gift for it, but because the act of writing poetry is good for us, and helps us understand ourselves better; it is a book written in the hopes that other books will be written. Maybe by you.
"David Owen has taken his understanding of currere, the root of curriculum, to a new level with his demonstration of the value of reading and writing poetry. He argues that writing poetry develops an `attitude of adventure' into everydayness. As his first chapter `Songs of Ourselves' suggests, we all can be Whitman's if we take up our pens to celebrate what lives around us as well as in us. Owen demonstrates this theory with a calendar of poems he wrote that share small frozen moments of the seasons of a year. Connecting his memories with forays into night skies and fireflies and `the fractals that God makes,' David Owen's poetic images suggest that our deep connection with Earth can be recovered if we let a little more `oak in thevoice' of our words." - Mary Aswell Doll, author of The Mythopoetics of Currere -
Energetic Relaxation to Structured Deformations
Jose Matias, Marco Morandotti, David R. Owen
- Springer
- 18 Avril 2023
- 9789811988004
This book is the first organized collection of some results that have been obtained by the authors, their collaborators, and other researchers in the variational approach to structured deformations. It sets the basis and makes more accessible the theoretical apparatus for assigning an energy to a structured deformation, thereby providing motivation to researchers in applied mathematics, continuum mechanics, engineering, and materials science to study the deformation of a solid body without committing at the outset to a specific mechanical theory. Researchers will benefit from an approach in which elastic, plastic, and fracture phenomena can be treated in a unified way.
?The book is intended for an audience acquainted with measure theory, the theory of functions of bounded variation, and continuum mechanics. Any students in their last years of undergraduate studies, graduate students, and researchers with a background in applied mathematics, thecalculus of variations, and continuum mechanics will have the prerequisite to read this book.